Thursday, July 31, 2008

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is one of the most common hormonal abnormalities experienced by women during their reproductive years. It is a common problem affecting about 7% of young adults women. Hormonal cycling is disrupted and the ovaries become enlarged. Women with PCOS have follicles in their ovaries, which fail to rupture. Cysts present in ovaries are not harmful but do cause hormonal imbalances. PCOS, though may occur in women without ovarian cysts and is the most common cause of infertility in women. Hormones like androgen is excessively. Normally ovaries make only a tiny amount of this male hormone androgen. Plus, the ratio of LH to FSH is often abnormally high. Levels of LH ratio increases to FSH mainly because of decreased level of FSH.
PCOS is a hormonal condition in which excess testosterone results in irregular ovulation and benign cyst, jeopardizing fertility. It is directly caused by excessive weight gain & obesity brought on by insulin resistance. when a body has problem regulating insulin, insulin resistance occurs. With enhanced obesity,insulin production increases, which in turn increases testosterone level that may trigger PCOS. when a body does not use insulin well, blood glucose level shoots up causing impaired glucose tolerance. Overtime, the chances of getting diabetes increases.
Obesity increases the chances of developing polycystic ovary syndrome. Obesity, thus, is a major risk factor for PCOS and a realistic achievable weight loss can be sufficient to restore regular ovulation and improve fertility in obese women with this disorder. If you are obese, get to a healthy weight. Body weight can affect one's ability to conceive.
In addition to weight, genetics too might have role to play. Although the causes of PCOS is unknown, some women might be genetically more predisposed than others. Researchers say that a combination of genes plays a part in PCOS.
All cases of PCOS might not have all the symptoms. Symptoms tend to be mild at first. Women start having irregular periods, and in some cases, or miss it altogether. Some may have no periods while others may suffer from very heavy bleeding. Studies have shown that menstrual history is an accurate marker for PCOS in both epidemiological and genetic studies.
If you have it, sisters and daughters have 50% chance of developing it during their reproductive age.
Forty percent of the adult women with PCOS have impaired glucose tolerance and elevated LDL or bad cholesterol and markedly increased prevalence of a condition called metabolic syndrome. Associated syndromes increase risk for cardiovascular syndrome tremendously.
In other words, health risks associated with PCOS are diabetes, heart diseases, reproductive problems. Infertility is caused by increased androgen, which blocks ovulation. Repeated miscarriages cause is unknown may be due to high insulin level, delayed ovulation or by the quality of egg or how egg attaches to the uterus. The risk for Gestational diabetes is greater in women with PCOS than a normal ovulating women. For pregnant women, PCOS can cause miscarriages, gestational diabetes mellitus, pregnancy induced high blood pressure, pre- eclampsia, increased higher risk of delivery by caeserian section. Endometrial hyperplasia occurs because the uterus lining is not cleared each month due to lack of menstrual cycle. However, birth control pills reduces risk. women with PCOS are at risk of abnormal uterine bleeding and endometrial cancer. skin and hair disorder can be substantial in women with pcos and are physically and psychologically very damaging.
PCOS is mostly diagnosed when a women is having difficulty becoming pregnant. Physical examination ,USG, blood test can help diagnosis this condition.There is no single test to diagnose polycystic ovarian syndrome, diagnosis also depends on past history of the disease. Pelvic ultrasound helps find if there is any cyst on the ovaries (polycystic ovaries). Hormones levels tested for increased androgen level, this increased level of testosterone and androgen blocks ovulation. Test for Prolactin level is done. If increased prolactin level it lacks menstrual cycle or results in infertility. GTT and Insulin level which shows insulin resistance. Test for high blood glucose level, high lipid level. Lipid profile increases in pcos. chemical screening like kidney function test and liver function test. TSH level for thyroid activity. DHEAS or 17-oH progesterone(adrenal gland hormones) may give same symptoms so to exclude pcos. other test includes, checking blood for HCG this excludes pregnancy.
PCOS leads to serious health condition. When it comes to diagnosis, sooner the better. If trying to conceive, treatment regimen can begin with fertility drug like clomiphene. Clomiphene usually induces ovulation, 50-60% conceive in first 6 months of treatment. Those who will not ovulate in response to clomiphene are at increased risk of ovarian hyper-stimulation. Birth control pills can be used if not trying to get pregnant. This combined pills will control bleeding and reduced risk of unopposed estrogen on the endometrium. Unwanted hair growth in body may be treated cosmetically or with an anti-androgen drugs. Cosmetically by use of chemical hair removers or by waxing, tweezing or shaving. Laser hair removal, electrolysis, bleaching is also done. Metformin helps control insulin and blood glucose level.
There is no cure for PCOS, but controlling it lowers your risks for infertility, miscarriages, diabetes, heart disease and uterine cancer. Associated conditions can be managed through medications and lifestyle changes. Low carbohydrate diet might be helpful. Limit foods high in saturated fats(meat, cheese, fried foods). Go for lots of vegetables, fruits, nuts, beans,whole grains.Healthy eating habits is the key treatment for PCOS associated ailments. Loosing weight may help get hormones in balance and regulate menstrual cycle.
Surgery for PCOS isn't necessary. It is recommended only if women doesn't respond to any other treatment. Surgical treatment is occasionally done for women with infertility caused by pcos and who do not ovulate after taking medicine. Ovarian function is improved by reducing the number of small cysts. One of the more common ones is laparoscopic ovarian drilling also called as band-aid surgery because of small incision.This surgical treatment can trigger ovulation in women with PCOS who have not responded to weight loss and fertility medicine. This procedure carries a risk of developing scar tissue on the ovary. This surgery can lower male hormone levels and help with ovulation. But these effects may only last a few months. It is important to treat your PCOS even if not trying to get pregnant. Having pcos results in higher risks for many disease , but if it is treated properly,then those risks are lowered.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Cranberries helps prevent UTI's

Cranberries, blueberries, and the Concord grape are among the few fruits native to North America. A number of related cranberries are found in areas ranging from damp bogs to mountain forests. These plants grow from Alaska to Tennessee as small, trailing evergreen shrubs. Fresh cranberries, which contain the highest levels of beneficial nutrients, are at their peak from October through December, just in time to add their festive hue, tart tangy flavor and numerous health protective effects to your holiday meals. Cranberry is also consumed as food in the form of relish, sauce, jam, or dried berries. The juice in general contains glucose, fructose, ascorbic acid, benzoic acid, quinic acid, malic acid, proanthocyanidins, triterpenoids, catechins, lectins, and water. Cranberry has also been reported to have antioxidant and anticancer activity. cranberry is also being taken for its vitamin C and its phytonutrients, including flavonoids such as the proanthocyanidins, which are beneficial antioxidants. Thus, Cranberries can serve as a good source of supplemental antioxidants. studies have shown that cranberries can help prevent urinary tract infections and may reduce the risk of gum disease, stomach ulcers and cancer.
Cranberry is widely used to prevent urinary tract infections. It was originally believed that any benefit from this food was the result of acidification of urine. cranberry does it action by inhibition of adhesion of bacteria (E.coli the most common bacterial cause of UTIs,) to uroepithelial cells by proanthocyanadin, a compound present in cranberry. This anti-adherence action is thought to reduce the ability of the bacteria to cause a UTI.
Other uses of cranberry include treatment of Helicobacter pylori infection and prevention of dental plaque.The anti-adhesion properties of cranberry inhibits the bacteria associated with gum disease and stomach ulcers.

cranberry juice and its products significantly reduced recurrent UTI among women with recurrent infections. commercially available cranberry juice products are likely safe in available dosages and as recommended for capsules and tablets in healthy adults.
Drinking excessive amounts of juice or higher doses could cause gastrointestinal upset or diarrhea. Recommended doses range from 90 to 480 mL of cranberry cocktail twice daily or 15 to 30 mL of unsweetened 100% cranberry juice daily. Patients with diabetes or glucose intolerance may want to drink sugar-free cranberry juice to avoid a high sugar intake.The concentrate available in frozen form has almost 30 times the strength of the juice. capsule form, 1cap(300 to 400 mg) has hard gelatin concentrated extract or soft gelatin, which contain less cranberry compound, twice daily.
Cranberry juice has interaction with warfarin, with increased risk for bleeding, with increased risk for calcium oxalate renal stones, and with hypersensitivity. In particular, patients with a history of nephrolithiasis should avoid the use of cranberry juice or products because of possible increases in calcium and oxalate concentration. Drinking more than 1 liter per day of cranberry juice may increase the risk of kidney stones in people with a history of oxalate stones.
However, no evidence exists for the efficacy of cranberry for the treatment of UTI and it should not be used as a substitute for antibiotics. Cranberry products alone should not be used to treat acute infection. people with urinary tract infection should see a health care provider for proper diagnosis and treatment. patient should seek treatment with antibiotics for breakthrough UTIs after establishing sensitivity of the infecting organism.
If a person wishes to avoid antibiotics, cranberry juice or concentrate would be a sound recommendation to make, with follow-up of frequency of future UTIs. If efficacious, cranberry juice or concentrate may prevent visits to the physician's office for recurrent UTI as well as use of antibiotics and development of microbial resistance.

Thursday, July 10, 2008


STDs have caught on like a wild fire. The cases of STDS are on rise in virtually ever nook and corner of the world. Unprotected sex is the main factor behind the spread of STD and subsequent infections. Social factors that promote spread include: alcohol, leisure, personal freedom, prostitution and ignorance. Although all social groups are vulnerable to the menace of STDs, people at high risk are mainly: sexually active male and female with multiple sex partners, frequent travelers, and commercial sex workers.
It is important to prevent
STDs, because it is a serious issue that can lead to infertility and cervical cancer. One out of two sexually active individual will contract genital infection during their lifetime, therefore, safer sexual conduct is paramount to one's sound sexual health and long term well being. As STDs are consequences of unprotected sexual encounters, abstinence although easier said than done, could do the trick. Unfortunately, it is something that is easier to preach than practice. A monogamous relationship can be a way around. Having sex with only one partner at one time, being honest with your partner about sexual history & expecting same from your partner may help prevent spread of infections. Every time you change a partner, you ought to be careful. In case of any doubt, talk to a doctor. You may want to get your partner tested for STDs if he had multiple flings in the past.
During sexual act, taking care off bodily fluid can help reduce the risk of contracting
STDs. Latex condoms can be an effective and protective means against transmitting diseases. Condoms, when used correctly can reduce the spread of HIV, gonorrhea, syphilis, chlamydia, trichomonasis. They, however, provide limited protection against HPV, & herpes. As always said, that wearing a condom is like wearing a raincoat in a rainy day, you can still get wet. In order for condoms to be effective, it must be used correctly before any sexual contact. Female condoms are not as effective as male condoms when it comes to preventing STDs. It can, however, be used for those allergic to latex.
Unlike condoms,
OCP or the IUD provide no respite to infections. Both the partners should talk about being tested for STDs and effective ways to protect oneself. Education is a key to preventing STDs. Regular screening, vaccination and other prevention strategies for all sexual active women are the highest public health priorities. Accurate diagnosis, effective treatment and close follow up to ensure cure can help control STDS.
posted by, sanjana.

Thursday, July 3, 2008


Chlamydia is the most common STD caused by chlamydia trachomatis. This causes trachoma, non- gonococcal urethritis and cervicitis leading to pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). chlamydia psittaci, which causes psittacosis & chlamydia pneumonia,which causes atypical pneumonia. Chlamydia infects lower cervix canal and the urethra. Chlamydia can also be found in the throats of women and men having oral sex with an infected partner.
Symptoms- Often a chlamydia infection causes no symptoms at all. symptoms occur 1-3 weeks after exposure.women having symptoms like an abnormal vaginal discharge or a burning sensation during urination, pain during sex, any unusual sore, odour, discharge from genital and bleeding between menstrual cycle could be an STD infection. If a women has any of these symptoms she should stop having sex and consult a health care provider immediately.Men with symptoms might have discharge from the penis or a burning sensation when urinating. men might also have burning and itching around the opening of the penis.
Transmission- It is transmitted during vaginal, anal or oral sex. Infection can pass from infected mother to her baby during vaginal childbirth. MSM are also at risk of chlamydia infection because they get through oral or anal sex. Infection is transmitted by having sex with a person who has a chlamydia infection.Having sex with a new partner or having multiple sex partners or a person who has had many sex partner are at increase risk of infection. people are at a risk for chlamydia infection if they don't use condom during sexual activity.
Diagnosis- Laboratory test is done. urethritis is confirmed by finding polymorphonuclear leukocytes in a gram stain of urethral secretion. specimen are collected from site such as the urethral meatus,vagina or cervix.
Treatment- Chlamydia infection can be easily treated with antibiotics. All sexual partners should be evaluated, tested & treated. patients with chlamydia should abstain from sexual intercourse until they and their sex partners have completed treatment. Otherwise re-infection is possible and women's are frequently re-infected if their sex partners are not treated. most post-treatment infection are as a result of reinfection and not failed therapy.
Re-screening can be performed if reinfection is suspected. Untreated infection can spread into uterus and fallopian tube and causes PID. PID can cause permanent damage to the fallopian tube,uterus and surrounding tissues.The damage can lead to chronic pelvis pain, infertility & fatal ectopic pregnancy.
Prevention- The most reliable way to avoid STD transmission is abstain from sexual contact.For many people cutting down sex is not what they choose so, the best safe way is a long-term monogamous relationship. Screening should be done at least annually for chlamydia among all sexually active women age 25years or younger and other high risk groups. All pregnant women should have antenatal serological testing because a baby born to an infected mother can have chlamydia infection in their eyes called as trachoma. Trachoma is a specific communicable keratoconjunctivitis and is the most common cause of avoidable blindness in the world. It also affects the respiratory tracts causing atypical pneumonia. It is the leading cause of early infant pneumonia and conjunctivitis in new born. Talk with your partner about STD before beginning a sexual relationship. Use condoms with a new partner until you are certain he or she does not have an STD. Female condoms are available for women whose partners will not use a male condom. Never involve sexually with more than one sex partner at a time. The risk for an STD increases as the number of sex partners increases.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008


Balanced diet means an intake of appropriate and adequate amounts of food and drink, which supplies nutrition and energy for maintenance of body cells, tissues, and organs. "Balanced" simply means a diet that adequately meets the body nutritional needs while not providing any nutrients in excess.  
A well balanced diet  provides source of energy and nutrition for normal growth and development. Consuming varieties of food is very crucial in achieving a well balanced diet. Different food sources like milk and milk products (cheese, yogurt, milk) meat and meat products (chicken, fish, beef, pork, lamb) legumes (beans and peas), nuts, seeds, fruits and vegetables, grains group (breads and cereals) are to be incorporated in our dietary plans. 

An unbalanced diet can cause impairment of growth and development. It can also interfere with various body functions such as  maintenance of body tissues, brain and nervous tissue function and also with bone and muscles. Balanced diet needs to be well planned. Skipping meal does more harm than good especially, skipping breakfast does no good at all. At least 3 meals each day is highly recommended. While the food we choose/eat should come from variety of food groups. The most important step to stay put on balanced diet is to educate oneself about what the body needs, being knowledgeable of what is eaten and how much, by reading the nutrition label and ingredients of all the food. Healthier way of sticking to balanced diet is by choosing fewer calories and smarter food choices.


abstain from sex acid-fast bacilli acne acne vulgaris active Active tuberculosis Acute respiratory Infections AFB age spots ageing population aggression AIDS allergy to cow milk American and Proteus androgen Anencephaly antibiotics antioxidant treatment vitamin c and E antioxidants ARI arthritis artichoke artichoke is rich in vitamins B Artichokes fibers. Artichokes function Artichokes nutrition Asian and white rice asian obesity asthma attacks Asymptomatic bacteriuria atopic eczema avoid antibiotics baburam bhattarai Bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG) bad carb Balanced diet BCG birth defects BMI bodily fluids body image problem boosts memory Borrelia burgdorferi bracts brain BRCA genes Breast cancer breast cancer and ovarian cancer breast tumour broccoli Bronchiolitis Bronchiolitis in children bull's eye C Calamine lotion calcium supplements calorie restricted diet delay aging process calorie restriction diet calories canberry juice carbohydrates carcinogenic cervix Chest radiography Chickenpox childlessness children children itching chlamydia cholera pandemic cholesterol circumcision cobalamin cognitive decline coliform bacteria E.coli commercial sex workers condom condoms congenital hypothyroidism conjunctivitis contraceptive cooked pork cooked vegetables Coronaviruse cranberries cretinism Cuisine cystitis day time nap Dementia dental plaque depression developing countries diabetes diarrhea diet Direct observation of treatment (DOT) disatisfaction disturbed sleep DNA-fragmented spermatozoa DOTS Dragon fruit Dragon fruit and laxative Dragon fruit and vitamin source. Dragon fruit functions Dragon fruit nutritional value Drug-resistant TB dry skin dyslexia E and pro-vitamins early sexual intercourse eastern nepal ELISA emollients erthema chronicum migrans ethnic diversity excess testosterone exercise exercise. Expanded Program of Immunization (EPI) Extensively drug-resistant TB extra virgin Extra-pulmonary tuberculosis fallen womb family planning fat burning food fatty fish FDA approved anti-obesity drug fibers benefits fish oil Fish oil and dementia flu-like symptoms folate folic acid folic acid deficiency food allergy frustration gastric ulcers gastroenterititis genital infection genital warts gigolos glycaemic index gonorrhea good carb H.pylori prevention Haiti cholera epidemic handy findings. HBV heart disease helicobacter pylori Herpes Zoster high blood pressure high Glycemic Index (GI) higher dose of lithium is toxic. hip and knee osteoarthritis hirsutism HIV 1 and HIV 2 HIV and pregnancy HIV and Tuberculosis HIV infection HIV prevalence HIV TRANSMISSION HIV/AIDS homosexual hormonal imbalance house dust mites human herpes virus humour husbands overseas hypertension hypothyroidism hypothyroxinemia hysterectomy IDU illeberal democracy incontinence India India closer to wiping polio indurations Infertile couples. infertility infertility and antioxidants. Infertility and developing countries Infertility and economic burden Infertility and MR Infertility and quality of life insect repellents. insomnia Insulin resistance intravenous drug users invasive. iodine irritants Isoniazid IVDUs Jicama Jicama function Jicama mexican cuisine Jicama nutritional value klebsiella laser hair removal latent tuberculosis infection learning problems LH Lithium low birth weight low calorie diet low Glycemic Index (GI) low salt diet low-carb lower respiratory tract infections LRTI lyme disease male hormone managing without medication maoist maoist duplicity Marital Relationship masculine trait mass wedding ceremony maternal death maternal health maternal iodine MDR MDR tuberculosis megaloblastic anemia mexico mild form milk mobiles moisturizing monosaturated fat mood stabilizer MSM multidrug resistant tuberculosis Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis multiple sexual partners. muscle building protein muscle mass and type 2 DM. Mycobacterium tuberculosis myths believed about acne nCoV-EMC Nepal Nepalese peace keeping troops cholera neural tube neuropathy nicotine norovirus novel coronavirus NTDs nutrients obesity obesity epidemic old oligo-ovulation olive oil omega 3 omega 3 benefits oral contraceptive pills oral sex osteoporosis ovarian cysts ovarian drilling over weight pcos pessary PID pigs pimples polio Polio drops polio virus polyarthritis polycystic ovarian syndrome postmenopausal women poverty pre-diabetes pre-marital sex pregnant women premature deaths prevent urinary tract infections processed red meat prolactin proprionibacterium acnes pulmonary tuberculosis Pyelonephritis (upper UTI) Quinoa and diabetes Quinoa and essential amino acids. Quinoa for vegetarians Quinoa health benefits Quinoa nutritional contents Quinoa South America quit smoking RDA of Vitamin D recognizing sleep disorder red meat heart risk red meat increases cvd reduced blood cholesterol level Respiratory syncytial virus reverse damage caused by diabetes reverse early symptoms of alzheimer's disease rice watery stool risk factor for insulin resistance RSV safe sex messages salt free. sanitation SARS-CoV screening sebum production second hand smoke sedentary lifestyle serum Vitamin D level. severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) sex education sex trafficking sexual health sexual satisfaction or performance skim or whole milk skin care sleep deprived sleep disorder smokers smoking cessation sources of vitamin B12. sperm DNA fragmentation spina bifida sputum smear microscopy SSM Staphylococcus saprophyticus STD STD protection STDs prevention stomach bug stomach cancer stripteases students and gpa sucide risk Sugar sugar consumption sulforaphane sun exposure sunscreen swine flu syphilis TB cimmunity education TB culture TB education TB infection TB intervention TB prevention TB vaccination teen pregnancy teenagers to abstain from sex testosterone thyroid hormone deficiency thyroxine tick bite TNF-alpha. tobacco Tobacco Deaths quit tobacco trachoma TST tuberculin skin test tuberculin skin test (TST) tuberculosis Tuberculosis drug resistance. type 2 diabetes increasing in prevalence unprocessed red meat unprotected sex unsafe sex Upper respiratory tract infections urethra urinalysis Urinary tract Infection urine culture URTI US obesity rate uterine prolapse Uttar Pradesh vaccination Varicella-zoster virus (VZV) vegan diet Vibrio cholera violence virginity test in india vitamin B 12 vitamin B 12 injections Vitamin D vitamin D preventive functions Vitamin D sources vomiting disease Weight-loss drug white rice white rice and diabetes risk WHO. women XDR tuberculosis zits